Sunday, September 19, 2010


What is Vital Nutrient Vitamin B9?
Vitamin B9 is also known as FOLATE and FOLIC ACID. Both  are both forms of Vitamin B9. Folate/Vitamin B9 occurs naturally in fresh foods, whereas Folic Acid/Vitamin B9 is the synthetic form found in vitamin supplements. Your body needs Vitamin B9 to produce red blood cells, as well as components of the nervous system. Folate/Vitamin B9 helps in the formation and creation of DNA and maintaining normal brain function, and is a critical part of spinal fluid. Vitamin B9 has also been proven to reduce the risk for an NTD-affected (neural tube defect) pregnancy by 50 to 70 percent. Folic Acid/Vitamin B9 is vital for proper cell growth and development of the embryo. That is why it is important for a woman to have enough folate/folic acid/vitamin in her body both before and during pregnancy.

Food Sources of Vital Nutrient Vitamin B9
Vitamin B9 can be found in Leafy greens such as spinach and turnip greens. Vitamin B9 can also be found in Broccoli, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Liver, Dry beans and peas. Vitamin-Fortified cereals and grain products, Vitamin-Fortified juices

Signs that you are Vital Nutrient Vitamin B9-deficient :
Vitamin B9 deficiency can cause diarrhea, anemia, loss of appetite, weight loss, sore tongue and a variety of other symptoms. In a developing fetus, folic acid/vitamin B9 deficiency may cause birth defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly. 

How much Vital Nutrient Vitamin B9 do you need per day
  • Children : 75 - 100 mcg
  • Adult (Female) : 180 mcg 
  • Adult (Male) : 200 mcg


Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the Vital Nutrients that our body needs as it performs a lot of functions. Vitamin C is required for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It is necessary to form collagen, an important protein used to make skin, scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is essential for the healing of wounds, and for the repair and maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.

Vitamin C is also an antioxidant. An antioxidant are Vital Nutrients which fights free radicals which causes diseases like Cancer. Antioxidants also help reduce the damage to the body caused by toxic chemicals and pollutants such as cigarette smoke.

In particular, the following are the benefits we can get from Vital Nutrients Vitamin C :
  • Skin Care - can prevent the consequences of prolonged sun exposure which can lead to Skin Cancer
  • Cancer - since Vital Nutrients Vitamin C is an antioxidant, it follows that it is an anti-Cancer Fruit
  • Weight Loss - Fruits that are high in Vitamin C (and low in Carbs and Calories) are considered Weight Loss Fruits
Fruit Source of Vital Nutrients Vitamin C
For Fruits having the most Vitamin C, check out our Top Ten Vital Nutrients Vitamin C-rich Fruits

Now, it is important to note that our body does not or cannot manufacture Vitamin C, which means we need to load with this Vital Nutrients everyday. How much Vital Nutrients Vitamin C do we need everyday? See below :
  • Children - 40-45mg
  • Adult (Female) - 45 - 60mg
  • Adult (Male) - 45 - 60mg

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Vital Nutrients : Vitamin B2/Riboflavin

What is Vital Nutrient Vitamin B2?
One of the eight B-Vitamins, Vitamin B2 (also called RIBOFLAVIN) is important for body growth, reproduction and red cell production. This vitamin also helps in releasing energy from carbohydrates.

Signs you are low on Vital Nutrient Vitamin B2 :
A shortage of this vitamin may manifest itself as cracks and sores at the corners of the mouth, eye disorders, inflammation of the mouth and tongue, and skin lesions.
Dermatitis, dizziness, hair loss, insomnia, light sensitivity, poor digestion, retarded growth, and slow mental responses have also been reported due to Vitamin B2-shortage. Burning feet can also be indicative of a Vitamin B2-shortage.

Foods rich in Vital Nutrient Vitamin B2 :
Vitamin B2-rich foods are : Organ meats, nuts, cheese, eggs, milk and lean meat are great sources of riboflavin/Vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is also available in good quantities in green leafy vegetables, fish, legumes, whole grains, and yogurt.

Important Note : Riboflavin/Vitamin B2 is sensitive to light, so it is better stored in dark places or opaque containers.

Vital Nutrient : Vitamin B1/Thiamine

What is Vital Nutrient Vitamin B1?
Vitamin B1, also called THIAMINE, is a member of the B-vitamin family and most famous for its role in the nutritional deficiency disease Beriberi. This Vitamin helps the body cells convert carbohydrates into energy. It is also essential for the functioning of the heart, muscles, and nervous system. Not getting enough thiamine can leave one fatigued and weak.

What can foods high in Vital Nutrient Vitamin B1 do for you :
  1. Maintain your energy supplies
  2. Coordinate the activity of nerves and muscles
  3. Support proper heart function

Signs your body is low on Vital Nutrient Vitamin B1 :
  • Loss of appetite
  • "Pins and needles" sensations
  • Feeling of numbness, especially in the legs
  • Muscle tenderness, particularly in the calf muscles

Foods which are high in Vital Nutrient Vitamin B1 :
Sunflower Seeds, Yellowfin Tuna, Beans, Peas, Yellow Corn

How much Vital Nutrient Vitamin B1/Thiamine do you need per day
  • Children : 0.9 -1.0 mg
  • Adult (Female) : 1.5 -2.0 mg
  • Adult (Male) : 2.0 mg

Vital Nutrients : Vitamin A

What is Vital Nutrient Vitamin A?

Vitamin A, a very Vital Nutrient, also known as RETINOL (because it produces the pigments in the retina of the eye) is a fat-soluble vitamin with four major functions in the body:
  1. This Vital Nutrient helps cells reproduce normally—a process called differentiation (cells that have not properly differentiated are more likely to undergo pre-cancerous changes). 
  2. It is required for vision; Vitamin A maintains healthy cells in various structures of the eye and is required for the transduction of light into nerve signals in the retina. 
  3. This Vital Nutrient is required for normal growth and development of the embryo and fetus, influencing genes that determine the sequential development of organs in embryonic development. 
  4. This Vital Nutrient may be required for normal reproductive function, with influences on the function and development of sperm, ovaries and placenta.

Where can you get Vital Nutrient Vitamin A?
Retinol or Vitamin A is found in foods that come from animals such as whole eggs, milk, and liver. Some food products are also fortified with Vitamin A. In the next blogs, we will feature foods with high Vitamin A content. For Vegetables, check out the Top Ten List of Vitamin A-rich Vegetables.

What will happen if you are low in Vital Nutrient Vitamin A?
1. Night blindness is one of the first signs of vitamin A deficiency.
2. If you don't get enough vitamin A, you are more susceptible to infectious diseases and vision problems.
3. Deficiency symptoms can also include dry skin.

How Much of Vital Nutrient Vitamin A do you need per day
  • Children : 2,500 - 3,000 IU
  • Adult (Female) : 4,000 IU
  • Adult (Male) : 5,000 IU